Poetry reaffirms our common humanity by revealing to us that individuals, everywhere in the world, share the same questions and feelings. Poetry is the mainstay of oral tradition and, over centuries, can communicate the innermost values of diverse cultures.
In celebrating World Poetry Day, March 21, UNESCO recognizes the unique ability of poetry to capture the creative spirit of the human mind.
One of the main objectives of the Day is to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and to offer endangered languages the opportunity to be heard within their communities.
The observance of World Poetry Day is also meant to encourage a return to the oral tradition of poetry recitals, to promote the teaching of poetry, to restore a dialogue between poetry and the other arts such as theatre, dance, music and painting, and to support small publishers and create an attractive image of poetry in the media, so that the art of poetry will no longer be considered an outdated form of art, but one which enables society as a whole to regain and assert its identity.
YOWPSUD is celebrating with all the Poets in Kenya and encourage them to be consistent and be more creative and create more towards peace building.
From the Coastal region, we spent a humble time with two artists who create poems and spoken words to prevent conflicts in the communities.
Meet Ohmslaw Montana, a boy from Kisauni with a big dream in the industry of art. A quick interview with him during the International Poetry Day 2021

1. What does poetry means to you?
To me, poetry means expression as simple as that.
2. How is poetry important to you?
Poetry is important to me , because it's one of the elements of hip-hop ,and being a hip- hop ,this is part of my craft .
3. What inspires you in poetry?
When I'm writing; it's observation: human behaviour and what's happening around me at a particular time.
What inspires me in poetry: is the artistry the poet has used to convey emotion and thought.
4. Challenges poets go through in Kenya?
- Lack of support in terms of shows, steady income.
- Lack of understanding from audiences and clients (sometimes you are asked to compose a piece and they don't pay you).
There are many challenges, but these two stand out for me.
5. Why is it important to celebrate world poetry day?
Story telling and poetry is an integral part of African culture...it should be
It should be celebrated and encouraged as a way to preserve our culture and tell our stories.
Get to Listen to Ohmslaw Montana #Covid19nOtherStories Episodes below.

Meet Ustadh Ahmed Ali Mbwana, from Kilifi County. Our second interviewee during the International Poetry Day 2021. During his interview we realized that Narrative poetry tells stories through verse. Like a novel or a short story, a narrative poem has plot, characters and setting. Using a range of poetic techniques such as rhyme and meter, narrative poetry presents a series of events, often including action and dialogue.
To make the interview more interesting, he also recited a poem that he wrote and composed to commemorate the World Poetry Day 2021. Get to listen to the poem on Audiomack