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#WamamaKwanza Mentorship Program - Kisauni

Updated: Nov 29, 2020

Peacebuilding is the foundation for creating sustainable human security and equitable development in countries emerging from conflict. UNSC resolution 1325 recognizes that women are disproportionally affected by conflict, and to address this, women should play a key role in achieving lasting peace after conflict.

Through the support of International Republican Institute through Kenya Muslims Youth Alliance, we are currently training 45 young mothers towards building their resilience in Countering Violence Extremism.

During the #WamamaKwanza Forum with young mothers from Kisauni Sub-county, we realized that Women's economic participation promotes agricultural productivity, enterprise development at the micro, small, and medium enterprise levels, as well as enhances business management and returns on investment.

Women also play key roles in creating peaceful and stable societies –important factors for economic growth.

"Women are primarily seen as victims of Conflict as opposed to perpetrators, or agents of Change"

It also came out clearly that there is need to include young mothers in conflict prevention and response strategies since they can play an active role towards sustainable peace. Inclusion does not only mean promoting their participation in formal settings but also recognizing where they have impact.

On the other hand, young mother need their capacity built in matters of social, print and online media to understand their role as young mothers in promoting peaceful society and for the generations of their young ones.

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