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Impact of Internet Globally

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

As we celebrate #InternetDay we are carrying out an online survey to get views on several issues experienced by young people from the top African internet users while using internet in their day to day life, aiming at shaping the future of using internet in Africa but the whole world, internet not only as globalization tool but also a tool to enhance peace and security for development.

1. What is the best thing you like about the internet?

1. The internet answers all my questions that really keep me thinking, for instance; Google, i use google a lot and it teaches me a lot

2. What is your biggest achievement with the help of the internet?

My biggest achievement so far is the knowledge that i get everyday not only when I research staffs the for materials for me to learn but also the internet has helped me get various connections with people in many sectors such as business sector when am in need of purchasing a certain product but also increasing more people to my circle

3. Rank top 3 commonly used internet platforms in your country.

Facebook, Instagram & Twitter

Question and Answer with Daisy Des from Leicester, UK

1. What is the best thing you like about the internet?

Availability of vast information that is not only educative but also keeps you up to date with contemporary issues across the world.

2. What is your biggest achievement with the help of the internet?

The internet particularly Google, has had an impact in my academic venture. It has been a great tool in molding my research skills and continues professional growth through access to online courses and tutorials.

3. Rank top 3 commonly used internet platforms in your country.

Google, Facebook and YouTube

4. What is the impact of the internet on peace, security and development in your country?

It fosters a conducive environment where citizens voice out their concerns freely and also promotes intercultural dialogues. It helps denounce gender based violence. However, it has its negative impact such as cyber bullying and fraud.

Question and Answer with Sabina Nimako from Germany

1. What is the best thing you like about the internet?

It keeps me abreast with news around the world

2. What is your biggest achievement with the help of the internet?

Changing the way I think

3. Rank top 3 commonly used internet platforms in your country.

XING, LinkedIn, Pull and bear

4. What is the impact of the internet on peace, security and development in your country?

It keeps you abreast with whatever going on around you eg corona infection rate

Question and Answer with Gugu Aradna Mgebe from South Africa

1. What is the best thing you like about the internet?

What I like about the internet is that it that it educates me, having access to download books specifically poetry collections and to be able to be informed about almost everything that's happening around me, in the world.

2. What is your biggest achievement with the help of the internet?

After reading and watching poetry videos from a couple of poets around the world, it made me discover who I really am in terms of art, my flow, style etc that I even wrote my own unpublished poetry collection book that's undergoing editing now as we speak, which I believe internet will play a huge role in promoting and advertising it.

3. Rank top 3 commonly used internet platforms in your country.

Google Facebook YouTube

4. What is the impact of the internet on peace, security and development in your country?

As much as it has good impact on my country's development relating to online businesses and schools that boost the economy, it is not as good when it comes to peace and security with cyber bullying normalized, that includes fraud and online scams. So it has both positive and negative impacts.

Question and Answer with Amanda Ngcono from Zimbabwe

1. What is the best thing you like about the internet?

The best thing I like about the internet is that I am able to connect to others worldwide, gain knowledge, find out information on different subjects.

2. What is your biggest achievement with the help of the internet?

Personally, what is your biggest achievement with the help of the internet?

My biggest achievement is it has allowed me to build an online presence and connect with many different people, brands and organizations. Which has allowed me to network mans work and build connections when other people.

3. Rank top 3 commonly used internet platforms in your country.

YouTube , Instagram and Facebook these are the mostly used apps and internet platforms where a large number of the populations are on these platforms for work use, social and even making money from these different internet platforms too.

4. What is the impact of the internet on peace, security and development in your country?

The internet Is widely used all over the world. So it can have a massive impact on peace, security and development. Most of the world have access to the internet so connecting and networking is very much possible.

Question and Answer with Dennis Addo-Teye from Ghana

1. What is the best thing you like about the internet?

What I like about the internet is the easy access to and sharing of all kinds of information, not limited to education, news, and new scientific discoveries.

2. What is your biggest achievement with the help of the internet?

I have always had a deep interest in history and learning about the natural world around us and as a YouTuber and Farmer, I thrive on these pieces of information. From the development of a script to the final upload of a video, the time taken has greatly reduced and this gives me more time to work on my farm.

3. Rank top 3 commonly used internet platforms in your country.

Twitter Facebook Instagram

4. What is the impact of the internet on peace, security and development in your country?

Ghanaians are, for the most part, viewed as peace loving people and that can be seen by the number who take to the internet and strongly condemn any organization, people, or persons who threaten the peace or are a threat to security, which is quite effective in getting the much-needed responses. The internet in its own unique way has given a voice to the people and also provided them with ready access to information which we can use to build a better country, and a better Africa as a whole.

Question and Answer with Irene Ibude from Nigeria

1. What is the best thing you like about the internet?

What I like most about the internet is the fact that it gives me unlimited access to a lot of things, business-wise, educationally and otherwise.

2. What is your biggest achievement with the help of the internet?

Over the years I’ve made a couple of strides using the internet as a tool & my biggest achievement thus far has been using it to improve my business network and base.

3. Rank top 3 commonly used internet platforms in your country.

a. Google

b. Facebook

c. Twitter

4. What is the impact of the internet on peace, security and development in your country?

The impact of the internet in peace, security and development in my country cannot be over emphasized as it has provided every individual void of economic differences and tribalism to actually develop their level of understanding about each other. Hence, fostering meaningful relationships, improved business environment and others to mention but a few. Security has been a major point of concern in my country, which is due to the misdemeanors of various security agencies and the government in general but with the recent turn of events more people are aware of their security due to the internet. Insecurity is an uphill battle in my country and the internet is playing a major role in ensuring that the battle is won.

Question and Answer with Clifford Ubiebi from Nigeria

1. What is the best thing you like about the internet?

It has helped me get valid and important information which can be used in various ways.

2. What is your biggest achievement with the help of the internet?

I have been able to achieve tons of benefits from the internet. However, the most important one is during my masters' thesis program; as I was able to surf the internet and glean information that are relevant to my research work.

3. Rank top 3 commonly used internet platforms in your country.

There are a plethora of websites, apps and browsers which makes accessing the internet to be done swiftly, depending on what the purpose is intended for.

4. What is the impact of the internet on peace, security and development in your country?

The internet has contributed immensely in restoring peace, putting an end to any strife in a country and ensuring the security of persons in the country and also in the development of a country. These have been made possible owing to the fact that the world is now a global community, and as such everyone can easily reach out to anyone via the internet.

Question and Answer with Aloice Asembo Odhiambo from Kenya

1. What is the best thing you like about the internet?


2. What is your biggest achievement with the help of the internet?

I get information from various sources at any given time

3. Rank top 3 commonly used internet platforms in your country.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

4. What is the impact of the internet on peace, security and development in your country?

Creates awareness on the important of peace, security and Developments in a country

Question and Answer with Dr. Emmily Achieng from Kenya

1. What is the best thing you like about the internet?

Unlimited access to information

2. What is your biggest achievement with the help of the internet?

As a tutor, internet provides a wide range of materials that can be used to provide comparative learning giving students an edge over any topic being discussed. It is also a place to share raw ideas and get a critique that builds researchers and improve learning

3. Rank top 3 commonly used internet platforms in your country.

1.Google scholar 2.Twiter 3. Instagram

4. What is the impact of the internet on peace, security and development in your country?

From the many experiences people have shared through different platforms, it's been evident that development is a product of peace and therefore citizens continue to promote non-violent means to solve problems to enable a peaceful environment where social, political and economic initiatives can thrive

Question and Answer with Ali Salim from Kenya

1. What is the best thing you like about the internet?

The fact that it connect us into a global village

2. What is your biggest achievement with the help of the internet?

Making it easy in my communication

3. Rank top 3 commonly used internet platforms in your country.

1. Google scholar 2. Twitter 3. Instagram

4. What is the impact of the internet on peace, security and development in your country?

Sharing of relevant and timely information on issues of peace and security

Question and Answer with Loice Jumwa from Kenya

1. What is the best thing you like about the internet?

Information is available a click away

2. What is your biggest achievement with the help of the internet?

The internet has advanced communication. It has been able to surpass obstacles like distance.

3. Rank top 3 commonly used internet platforms in your country.

Google, Facebook and WhatsApp

4. What is the impact of the internet on peace, security and development in your country?

Important conversations have been made possible that are crucial to peace and security in the country. In-fact with the novel Corona Virus, the internet has played a crucial role in the awareness of the virus and measures to be taken to combat it. The internet has also fueled different innovations in our country that we now can't imagine living without e.g. Mpesa.

Question and Answer with Kyalo Kasyoka Nicholas from Kenya

1. What is the best thing you like about the internet?

The connection it has created among individuals globally.

2. What is your biggest achievement with the help of the internet?

It has linked me with my beloved ones, my close friends.

3. Rank top 3 commonly used internet platforms in your country.

WhatsApp Facebook Twitter

4. What is the impact of the internet on peace, security and development in your country?

Through use of social media platforms the young generation is cautioned against insecurity acts such as terrorism by being able to be educated against it as a mass. This enhances peace and security. Considering development, internet has helped boost businesses. With internet now some organizations market their products online using their applications, websites and social media platforms.

Question and Answer with Evans Okoth from Kenya

1. What is the best thing you like about the internet?

Easy access to information

2. What is your biggest achievement with the help of the internet?

I have been able to make some money via internet

3. Rank top 3 commonly used internet platforms in your country.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

4. What is the impact of the internet on peace, security and development in your country?

It has been impactful in creating unity and cohesion

Question and Answer with Enoch Patta from South Africa

1. What is the best thing you like about the internet?


2. What is your biggest achievement with the help of the internet?

Traveling from Mombasa, Kenya to Gaborone , Botswana only relying on internet

3. Rank top 3 commonly used internet platforms in your country.

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

4. What is the impact of the internet on peace, security and development in your country?

Information got on internet can be use to improve and enhance peace

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