With support from the KCDF, YOWPSUD organised an inception meeting for the jumuika imarika project aimed at enhancing citizen participation and inclusion in social accountability processes in kwale county. The meeting brought together advocacy champions to reflect on progress made in phase 1 and deliberate on concrete outcomes for phase II.
The discussions highlighted notable successes from phase I including; built trust and confidence to engage county stakeholders in inclusive governance, increased knowledge in social accountability and advocacy skills and successful community outreaches. The champions appreciated YOWPSUD’s support that contributed to individual and group growth.
“I am now informed of social accountability and through the project, I was able to reach out to 4 other groups to build their capacity” Champion
“ Through the trainings, I have gained recognition and acknowledged by different state and non state actors” Champion
Through the Access to government procurement opportunities (AGPO) sensitisation campaigns and trainings , we are excited to share that two of our champions have been awarded tenders by the Kwale county government.
“ After several attempts to secure a government tender, am now convinced its possible . The project connected us with key stakeholders and built our capacity to access these opportunities allocated for us”
The AGPO provides youth, women, and PWDs with a 30% allocation of government opportunities. Having our youth secure these tenders is a significant achievement, demonstrating their potential as well as the Kwale County government's commitment to supporting youth, women, and PWDs.
The champions are committed to use their skills to ensure their voices are heard in different platforms and in accessing socio-economic opportunities.